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Freestyle & Greco Roman State Finals


Friday, April 11th – Sunday, April 13th  


Pre-register at:       Closes Thursday 4/10/2025 @ 9:00pm


Wrestling:           Boys & Girls will wrestle at the same time

Freestyle:             6U (co-ed), 8U & 10U    Friday, April 11th at 4:00pm
                              12U & 16U                     Saturday, April 12th at 9:00am

                              14U & Juniors                 Saturday, April 12th at 1:30pm

Greco Roman:       6U – 10U                      Friday, April 11th at 6pm
                              12U - 16U                      Sunday, April 13th at 9am
                               14U & JR's                    Sunday, April 13th at 12:00pm


Location:            Newberg High School   2400 Douglas Ave., Newberg, OR 97132




Friday: 6U, 8U & 10U 2pm - 3pm  /  12U – Juniors 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Saturday: 7am – 7:30am

Greco Roman:       

            Saturday:  5pm - 5:30pm     
  *If you do not wrestle in the Freestyle tournament you MUST weigh-in on Saturday night.

Awards:  1st Place: Plaque -  2nd Place: Plaque -   3rd thru 6th Place:  Medals


Participation Cost:

          Pre-registered AND Pre-paid by Friday, April 12th:           $30 for one style / $50 for both
          Pre-registered AND Pre-paid after Friday, April 12th:       $40 for one style / $60 for both

          Onsite Registration:                                                          $50 for one style / $100 for both   

Spectators: $5 

Floor Passes:  $30 (Free with a USA Wrestling Leadership card & photo ID)


  • NO SEEDING - True 2nd Place wrestle backs
  • MUST be an Oregon Resident
  • No Double Bracketing
  • Full Concession Stand
  • Freestyle weight can qualify for both Freestyle and Greco Roman
  • Skin Check at weigh-ins: You are required to bring a note from your Physician on their official letterhead if you have any questionable skin issues dated within 7 days of the event. The Tournament Staff will have the “final decision” on entry into the tournament related to skin issues. Please check your wrestler for skin problems.
  • NO overnight camping onsite at Newberg high school parking lot.
  • Once you step on the scale your weight in FINAL!
  • Singlets Required for both weigh-ins and during wresting.
  • 2 Singlets Required. One must 60% RED & one must be 60% BLUE

For additional questions please contact:

Lesa Lawrence, Executive Director (541) 588-0810
Braden Bailey, National Teams Director (503) 867-5176   
Natasha Umemoto, Girls Director (503) 442-7745
Sean Belding, 16U & JR Duals Director (541) 948-7080   
Eric Provost, Kids Director (971) 322-9259